One of our fundamental Company Principles revolves around the creation of unisex clothing. Designing garments that cater to all genders with a perfect fit is a rare gem in the fashion industry. Hence, it was non-negotiable for us to embed this Principle within our debut collection. Predominantly, 90% of our apparel is unisex, with a selected few pieces designed with a female audience in mind. Notably, our clothing tends to offer an oversized fit when worn by women, a trend that has gained immense popularity in today's fashion landscape. Our inclination towards the unisex approach stemmed from a simple yet insightful observation. In many instances, men in relationships find their partners gravitating towards their wardrobe, eventually claiming their attire as their own, resulting in a uniquely alluring aesthetic. At times, a shared piece of clothing can take on significance akin to a flag, while the partner adorning it becomes a symbol of grace and allure.